Naturally, there are pros and cons to consider when deciding whether a home based business is right for you. Read on to learn more about 40 employers that recently listed work-from-home jobs. Check out Robert Half, Adecco, and Kelly Services — on their sites, you’ll find lots of recruiting and HR roles. If you’re interested in counseling, check out The Trevor Project and BetterHelp.
This company employs remote workers across most areas of the US. However, note that you can work here as an employee or an independent agent. While you work independently, you have a monthly one-to-one session with a manager and can ask for support if necessary 24 hours a day. The company provides all the equipment you need including a computer. A company that creates workflow and automation software, Zapier is fully remote and global in its hiring outlook. While the bulk of the remote positions involved sales, there are plenty of openings in engineering, recruiting and project management.
Full-time employees receive benefits like PTO and employee discounts. Even before the pandemic uprooted everything in 2020, more and more people had been ditching the 9-5 to work remotely and travel the world.
Though most of their clients are US based the jobs are fully remote and contract based. The Business Writer role is paid on a fixed-price-per-article basis. If you’re not familiar with FlexJobs, we have a huge review of the company here. However, that focuses on how to find jobs using the platform rather than working directly for the company.
Humana hires home-based nurses for inpatient case managers, concurrent review, and case management. BestMark hires mystery shoppers to evaluate restaurants, retail stores, casinos, financial institutions, hotels, resorts, and more. After visiting a designated establishment, shoppers submit a detailed report. Pay varies from per project to reimbursement, and most shoppers report earning $13-$15 per hour.
They are actively looking for transcriptionists with Legal, General or Spanish transcription experience. Strong written and oral communication skills are required for all positions.